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Do you want to be a cycling educator?

Are you curious about getting certified to be a part time or full time learn to ride and bicycle safety educator? Tune in to the Tuesday, Aug 6th, 3:00 pm webinar featuring New Haven Coalition for Active Transportation board member and League Cycling Coach, Leta Highsmith.

Flyer image for Aug 6th, 2024 What it Means to be a Cycling Educator webinar with the League of American Bicyclists

What is a League Cycling Instructor? - League Cycling Instructors (LCIs) are certified to teach the League’s Smart Cycling curriculum to help people feel secure riding a bike, to create a mindset that bikes should be treated as a vehicle, and to ensure bicyclists know how to ride safely and legally. Once certified as an LCI, you’re able to teach our curriculum and are covered by an insurance policy while teaching a class.

The New Haven Coalition for Active Transportation's classes are taught by paid League Cycling Instructors. The City of New Haven is working on launching an in-school bicycle safety program, which will increase the need for trained and certified cycling educators. You can be a part of that!

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