Connecticut (and New Haven) e-bike buyers should learn more about the exciting e-bike incentive program that is launching on June 28th. There is a baseline $500 incentive and an additional $1,000 incentive for those fulfilling any of the three following qualifiers:
Reside in an Environmental Justice (EJ) community or Distressed Municipality - This includes City of New Haven residents.
Participate in a state or federal income qualifying program
Have an income less than 300% of the Federal Poverty Level
The incentive program requires an application for the voucher before you make the purchase (link here once the program launches) and the kickoff phase only applies to e-bikes purchased from a local Connecticut bike shop. Excitingly, the e-bike incentive voucher applies at the point of sale and you don't need to wait around for a rebate check in the mail.
There is a $3,000 cap on the purchase price for the e-bikes that qualify for this incentive. To qualify for the program the e-bike lneeds to come with a warranty and a certification for the electronic components, which keeps very low quality offerings off the list.
Financing: New Haven and Hartford County residents could also qualify for financing the remaining purchase price of their e-bike with this innovative e-bike loan program from Connex Credit Union.
Learn more about the Connecticut e-Bike Incentive Program at a June 22nd lunchtime webinar (12pm-1pm) - register for the webinar here.
And let's chat more about the e-Bike Incentive Program at the June 23rd Bike Shop Breakfast at College Street Cycles, 8am-9am.